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Judith Cruz The first time I met Chris February 17, 2014
The first time I met chris, Joe and i were barely dating and my son helios was not even in the picture yet. Joe told me we were going to visit his friend Chris. It was late in the afternoon probaly around 6pm we drove to el monte to the little apartment he and val had,the one right off the freeway.  I remember when joe knocked on the door and chris opened it I was pretty intimidated. He was tall and had so many tattoos so i thought he was a gangster or some kind of person to be fearfull of . But when he opened his mouth and greeted me I realized he was actually really nice. He immediatly ushered me to where i could sit and asked me if i needed anything to drink,I was so shocked because he was so accepting of me, unlike some people. He didnt judge me or joe he even went so far as to start conversation "Judith Ive known this guy for....." and after talking for a while A little boy came out yelling about how his cartoon hadnt been recorded and i would find out that was littlte chris, valerie was at the pizza place working but she did call and tell chris to tell joe and i hi. So after maybe an hour or two we left and chris  said "take care of this foo judith nice metting you", and to joe he said "foo visit more often, hit me up foo im always here." Little did i known we would grow a great frienship with chris. at chris memorial everyone said how he was such a litttle menace but no one said how he wasnt someone you could judge by the cover because who he was inside was the complete opposite of how he looked.  Always hospitably and friendly no matter the circumstance
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